Jason Rohr
Principal Investigator
Research Activities and Interests
My research interests fall at the interface of ecotoxicology, conservation biology, and community, population, behavioral, and disease ecology. I am particularly interested in how anthropogenic changes, mainly pollution and climate change, affect wildlife populations, species interactions, and the spread of disease. These effects are undoubtedly complex and dependent upon biotic and abiotic conditions. Consequently, my collaborators and I have studied interactions among multiple natural and anthropogenic stressors and are making efforts to integrate our research across disciplines. Our goal is to understand, and develop solutions to, environmental problems to enhance the likelihood of a sustainable existence for both humans and wildlife. Much of my research has focused on amphibians because they are declining globally. However, I have worked with a diversity of taxa and I tend to be more motivated by interesting questions, syntheses, and the quest for generalities in ecology and conservation than taxa-specific pursuits. When possible, I try to integrate laboratory experiments, mesocosm studies, field experiments, field surveys, and mathematical models to enhance our understanding of natural systems.
Courses I teach
Biometery I (graduate), Biometry II (graduate), Parasitology (undergraduate), Animal Behavior (undergraduate)
Contact Information
Phone: 574-631-3587
Email: jrohr2@nd.edu
2002 Ph.D. Ecology, Binghamton University
1997 M.A. Teaching, Binghamton University
1996 B.A. Biology and B.A. Environmental Studies, Binghamton University
Positions Held
2020- Chair, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, IN
2019- Ludmilla F., Stephen J., and Robert T. Galla College Professor of Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences, Eck Institute for Global Health, Environmental Change Initiative, University of Notre Dame
2017-2019 Professor, University of South Florida
2016-2019 Associate Chair, Department of Integrative Biology, University of South Florida
2016-2019 Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Ecology Research (CIDER), University of South Florida
2011-2017 Associate Professor, University of South Florida
2007-2011 Assistant Professor, University of South Florida
2004-2007 Research Associate, Penn State University
2002-2004 Post-Doc, Ecology and Toxicology, University of Kentucky