Ethan Brown, M.S.
Ph.D Candidate

Contact Information
M.S. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Western Washington University, Adviser: Dr. Wayne Landis
B.S. Environmental Science - Toxicology Emphasis, Western Washington University
My research is primarily focused on developing predictive models within ecotoxicology. My current work is focusing on predicting contaminant-related changes in food web structure using historical data collected through the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program. My previous research has included the laboratory testing of passive sampling devices for metals in freshwater and the development of risk assessment methodology for ecological applications of CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive technology.
Brown EA, Bonnard J, Eberle CN, Jensen WJ, Johnson AM, Miller JD, Yamaura AJ, Sofield RM, Accepted. Influence of Various Water Quality Parameters on Passive Sampler Accumulation Kinetics of Different Metal Valencies in Freshwater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Brown EA, 2020. Integrating synthetic biology derived variables into ecological risk assessment using the Bayesian Network – Relative Risk Model: Gene drives to control nonindigenous M. musculus on Southeast Farallon Island." WWU Graduate School Collection. 941.
Landis WG, Brown EA, Eikenbary S. 2020. An initial framework for the environmental risk assessment of synthetic biology derived organisms with a focus on gene drives. In B. D. Trump et al. (Eds.) Synthetic Biology 2020: Frontiers in Risk Analysis. Springer Nature Switzerland AG pp 257-268.
Environmental Sciences Outstanding Graduating Graduate Award. Awarded by Western Washington University (June 2020)
Environmental Science Outstanding Applications Experience Award. Awarded by Huxley College of the Environment (June 2019)
Professor Ming-Ho Yu Award for Outstanding Student in Environmental Toxicology. Awarded by the Institute of Environmental Toxicology: Huxley College of the Environment (June 2019)
2nd Place Undergraduate Platform Presentation at the 28th annual Pacific Northwest SETAC conference (April 2019)